Thursday, October 25, 2018

What is Hard disk in Computer | hdd and ssd

What is a hard drive

What is Hard disk in Computer? - Hard disk or HDD is the same thing, it is a physical disk which we use to store all the big small files of our computer. Whenever you save any file on your computer, that file is saved in your computer's hard drive, if you are interested in parts of the computer then you must read the hard drive.
what is hard disk in computer | hdd and ssd
Hard disk

The difference between hard disk and RAM is that hard disks are used to store things, but RAM comes in handy to keep things stored in that storage. When we shut down the computer, anything read in RAM gets cleared. But in the HDD the data is not erased even when the computer is switched off. what is hard disk in computer?

 A disk rotates inside the hard disk, the faster the disk rotates, the data can be stored or read as fast as possible. We measure the speed of hard disk rotation in RPM (Revolutions Per Minute). Most of the hard disk is 5400 rpm or 7200 rmp, obviously the 7200 rmp hard disk is faster than 5400 rmp. What is hard disk in computer?

1- Why is the hard disk slow?

Whenever we store the data on a hard disk, it is stored in pieces, and many times those pieces move in different parts of the hard disk. When there is more data on our hard disk then our computer has a little difficulty in finding things on the hard disk, due to which it gets slow. What is Hard disk in Computer?

If you have to keep the hard disk fast, then from time to time, defragment your hard disk with your computer's software. By defragment the hard pieces of all files come together rather than at different places, and our computer has no problem finding the files on the hard disk. What is hard disk in computer?

2- What are External Hard Drivers?

The External Hard Drivers are exactly like our computer's hard drive from within, just the difference is that external HDD is externally used by USB port on our computer.

Due to the USB connect, External HDD works slightly slower than the internal HDD. The advantage of External HDD is that you can take this with you anyway.

3- What is SSD?

The disk rotates in a hard disk, but there is no chip in SSD, no drive revolves in it. Due to no physical rotation drive, the speed of the SSD is that the speed of the Solid State Drive is multiplied by the speed of the HDD. But the problem is that SSD is costly because of its internal texture.
SSD takes less power to run and is fast. Because of this, nowadays all the
ultra-books come in SSD. Such as SSD in Apple's Mac-book Air, comes in advance already. What is hard disk in Computer?

4- Note:-

Whenever you delete some kind of data from any of the storage devices, it will never be deleted because one of its images is saved on your storage device so that you can accidentally delete the data in case your data is deleted. With the help of any data recovery software, you can take it back again and the same applies in case of a hard drive. The most popular data recovery software is Pandora which can be easily downloaded from its official website. What is hard disk in Computer?

Unit of data storage measurement:-

The smallest unit to measure storage is byte and you can understand them in this way in increasing order.
  • 1 KB-1024 Bytes
  • 1 MB-1024 KB
  • 1 GB-1024 MB
  • 1 TB-1024 GB
  • 1 PB-1024 TB

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